C : Program to accept employee deatails and print accepted details (use structure)


Program :

//c program to accept employee deatails and print accepted details (use structure)
// accept employee id, name, salary


struct employees
int empid;
char empname[50];
float salary;

int main()
struct employees emp[3];

//Accepting details from user
printf("Enter detils for Employee :\n");
for(int i=1; i<=3; i++) {
printf("\nEnter details for employee %d :\n", i);

printf("Enter employee ID :");
scanf("%d", &emp[i].empid);

printf("Enter employee name :");
scanf("%s", &emp[i].empname);

printf("Enter salary per annum :");
scanf("%f", &emp[i].salary);

//Printing accepted details
printf("\nEmployee details :\n");
for(int i=1; i<=3; i++)
printf("\nEmployee %d :\n", i);

printf("Employee ID: %d\n", emp[i].empid);

printf("Employee name : %s\n", emp[i].empname);

printf("Salary per annum : %.2f\n", emp[i].salary);

return 0;

Output :



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